gen:LOCK is a 3D animated mecha sci-fi series created by Gray G. Haddock and produced by Rooster Teeth. Episodes are viewable on Rooster Teeth's official website for FIRST members, with the exception of the first episode, which is free to watch. The first episode was made available to watch on YouTube upon the finale's release to FIRST members. The first episode is also free to watch on CrunchyRoll, with all following episodes available with a CrunchyRoll subscription.
Season 1 premiered with the first two episodes on January 26th, 2019 alongside the final episode of RWBY Volume 6. The remaining six episodes aired on a weekly basis after that, the finale being released on March 9th.
Season 1[]
Episode | Title | Original Air Date | Run Time | External Link |
1 | "The Pilot" | January 26, 2019 | 32:07 | Rooster Teeth YouTube Crunchyroll |
2 | "There's Always Tomorrow" | January 26, 2019 | 26:16 | Rooster Teeth |
3 | "Second Birthday" | February 2, 2019 | 25:05 | Rooster Teeth |
4 | "Training Daze" | February 9, 2019 | 24:19 | Rooster Teeth |
5 | "The Best Defense" | February 16, 2019 | 23:53 | Rooster Teeth |
6 | "The Only Me I Know" | February 23, 2019 | 25:33 | Rooster Teeth |
7 | "It Never Rains..." | March 2, 2019 | 24:32 | Rooster Teeth |
8 | "Identity Crisis" | March 9, 2019 | 31:57 | Rooster Teeth |
Season 2[]
Episode | Title | Original Air Date | Run Time | External Link |
1 | "When The Leaves Began To Turn" | November 4, 2021 | 27:03 | HBO Max[1] |
2 | "The First Strike" | November 11, 2021 | 25:03 | HBO Max[2] |
3 | "Buried Pains Grows Poison Trees" | November 18, 2021 | 25:26 | HBO Max[3] |
4 | "Together. Together" | November 25, 2021 | 25:13 | HBO Max[4] |
5 | "The Grand Guignol" | December 2, 2021 | 26:10 | HBO Max[5] |
6 | "The Third Way" | December 9, 2021 | 24:58 | HBO Max[6] |
7 | "Twilight" | December 16, 2021 | 24:16 | HBO Max[7] |
8 | "Touch What's In Front Of You" | December 23, 2021 | 31:00 | HBO Max[8] |